No hay traducciones disponibles. TERMS OF SERVICEAbout our Products & Images / Acerca de nuestros Productos & Imágenes
Note / Nota
Return PolicyAll candy and piñatas are sold "AS-IS," without any representations or warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, as to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or other description of physical condition.
MINIMUM ORDEROur products are offered at wholesale costs for resellers only. Our minimum order amount is $100. If you are an individual consumer, we invite you to visit our consumer website located at www.sanjoseimports.com.
PAYMENT TERMSWe gladly accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express and ACH. Please note that your credit cards will be charged at time order is shipped.
If you have an open credit account with us, note that all invoices are due and payable 30 days from invoice date.
BACKORDER POLICYWe reserve the right to backorder certain parts of your order should they not be in stock at the time your order was placed.
SHIPPING TERMSPlease be familiar with our complete shipping terms found here.
AGREEMENT TO ACCEPT SAN JOSE IMPORTS TERMS OF SALEBy placing an order with us, you are acknowledging your acceptance and compliance of our terms of sale found on this website. |